
TUDARCo Admission System Online

TUDARCo Admission System Online

Welcome to our website, In This Article, are you looking for TUDARCo Admission System Online Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo) is a centre for quality education, offering a diverse range of academic qualifications. We offer quality teaching and learning facilities, advice and support for students, to enable them succeed in achieving their academic goals.

We have qualified and dedicated staff who are ready to support students in all circumstances. Transform your future at Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College.

TUDARCo Admission System Online

Come and discover a host of exciting full time courses offered as morning or evening sessions, and make your resolutions a reality.

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For More information Visit

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications


All applicants under degree programmes should apply direct to the Tumainii University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo) site, Information on the mode of application is available on TUDARCo website . Applications should be submitted between June, 2021/2022 and August, 2021/2022.

  • Completed A-Level studies before 2014

Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4;C= 3; D = 2; E = 1).

  • Completed A-Level studies in 2014 and 2015

Two principal passes (Two Cs) with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B+= 4; B = 3; C= 2; D = 1).

  • Completed A –Level studies from 2016

Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4;C= 3; D = 2; E = 1).

  • Recognition of Prior Learning qualification

B+ Grade: where A =75-100, B+ = 65-74, B=50-64,C =40-49, D = 35-39, F = 0-38.

  • Equivalent applicants

At least four O’-Level passes (Ds and above) or NTA Level III with less than four O’-Level passes or equivalent foreign qualifications as established by either NECTA or VETA; AND

  • i) At least a GPA of 3.5 for Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6); OR
  • ii) Average of B for Full Technician Certificate (FTC) (where A=5, B=4, C=3,and D=2 points); OR
  • iii) Average of ‘B+’ Grade for Diploma in Teacher Education; OR
  • iv) Average of ‘B+’ Grade for Health related awards such as Clinical Medicine and others; OR
  • v) A Distinction for unclassified diplomas and certificates.
  • vi) Upper Second Class for classified non-NTA diplomas.


In addition to meeting the general admission requirements, applicants may be required to meet programme specific requirements as follows:

For BA, (Mass Com), BA (LIS) and LLB programmes, one must have a credit in English at O Level or at least a Subsidiary pass in English at A Level.

For BBA, one must have a pass in Mathematics at O Level or a subsidiary at A Level or at least a D grade in Maths or Statistics or Quantitative Methods in their Diplomas.

How to Apply

All applicants under degree programmes will apply direct to TUDARCo Online Student Application,


TUDARCo enrols students without regard to creed, race, religious or political orientation. It enrols both mature and employed applicants as well as fresh from school A level graduates, provided they qualify for the programme for which they have applied.

Possession of Identity Card (ID)

The possession of an ID is a prerequisite for benefiting from various college services and participating in academic as well as administrative tasks. Students shall     carry at all times, while on TUDARCo premises.

The ID shall be demanded for the following:-

  •     Entering and using the library as well as borrowing books and accessing special reserve.
  •     Entering the computer room and using the computers.
  •     Entering an examination room and sitting for any University Examination administered and conducted by the College.
  •     Campus identification, especially by the College guards.

International applications

International students can apply directly to website.

The Admissions Office can give general advice on how to complete an application form, or guide you through the application process.

Language Requirement

Normal In Tanzania Higher Education system the instruction language will be English rare Swahili will be used, in order to be able to communicate with locals, you may need to learn Swahili language, TUDARCo does not conduct Swahili courses but there are many local institutions that offer Swahili courses for foreigners.

Registration Procedures

Besides the above, a prospective student must pay 10,000/= non-refundable fee and apply  online through the Online Student Registration system available at  website.

Furnishing a Medical examination form on the fitness of the candidate to pursue University programmes.

Submission of proof of sufficient funds for the completion of the programme.

Letter of reference regarding

  • (a) Personal integrity
  • (b) Academic performance.

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