
Matokeo ya usaili Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Interview Results tra- PDF Check Out

Matokeo ya usaili Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Interview Results tra- PDF Check Out

Are you looking for Matokeo ya usaili Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Interview Results tra- PDF Check Out, nafasi za kazi ajira mpya vacancies new jobs opportunities TRA’s available vacancy call for work waliochaguliwa portal ajiraportal careers TIN Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS). Welcome to our website, In This Article,!

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established under the Tanzania Revenue Authority Act No.11 0f 1995. The Authority is a semi-autonomous agency of the Government responsible for the administration of the Central Government taxes as well as several non-tax revenues.

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)

TRA is currently implementing the Sixth Corporate Plan (CP6: 2022/23 – 2026/27) with the Vision of “A Trusted Revenue Administration for Socio-economic Development” and the Mission of “We Make It Easy to Pay Tax and Enhance Compliance for Sustainable Development”.

Selected interviewees (SELECTED) to continue with the interview will conduct a Practical Interview on the date they will be announced at 21 October 2023 in the morning in the following order;

  • The interviewees who did the written interview (Written Interview) in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar will do a practical interview at the Tanzania Institute of Accounting (TIA), Dar es Salaam.
  • The interviewees who did the written interview (Written Interview) Dodoma, Mwanza and Mbeya will do a practical interview at the ‘College of Informatics and Virtue Education (CIVE)’ of the University of Dodoma (UDOM), Dodoma.

In addition;

  • All interviewees must arrive wearing a Mask (MASK)
  • All interviewees are reminded to bring their original certificates.
  • All interviewees must come with their IDs

Interview Results tra- PDF

PDF of those who passed and those who failed according to the pass mark from TRA We will put it here directly. but, you can check the results of the previous interview from TRA, and check how many pass marks they had for those who were selected to do an oral interview or go directly to work. PDF FILE

The “Matokeo ya usaili Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Interview Results tra- PDF Check Out” you can check through TRA Recruitment Portal.


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