
HESLB Diploma Loan Application (Mkopo kwa Diploma) ‘ Student Portal’ How to Apply & Allocation

HESLB Diploma Loan Application ' Student Portal' How to Apply & Allocation

Are you looking for maombi ya mkopo Diploma jinsi ya kutuma kufungua account kujisajili gharama za kuapply malipo HESLB Diploma Loan Application (Mkopo kwa Diploma) ‘ Student Portal’ How to Apply & Allocation. Welcome to our website, In This Article,!

HESLB Diploma Loan Application

Mkopo Diploma Heslb
Mkopo Diploma Heslb

he Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) was established by HESLB Act (CAP 178) and became effective in July 2005. HESLB is mandated to, among others, issue loans and or grants to needy and eligible students.

Application window for Academic Year 2022/2023 will be annouced from HESLB Website today so you need to stay/ find olams portal for more information.

Mkopo kwa Diploma ‘Student Portal’

All applicants for educational loans at the Diploma level for the academic year 2023/2024 are informed to consider the following points:-

  • (i) Read and follow the application procedures in the Guide for the academic year 2023/2024;
  • (ii) To ensure that the number of the fourth form test that the applicant will use is the same as the one he will apply for college admission;
  • (iii) Ensuring that all loan application documents submitted by the applicant have been verified by the relevant authorities;
  • (iv) Applicants should fill out their forms completely and sign them before submitting them to HESLB online;
  • (v) Ensuring that birth/death certificates have been verified by the Registration, Insolvency and Trust Agency (RITA) or the Zanzibar Social Events Registration Agency (ZCSRA) or an officer appointed to verify the validity of such documents;
  • (vi) For the applicant who has his bank information to fill in correctly on the loan application form;
  • (vii) For the applicant with a telephone number and national identity card (NIDA) make sure that he fills in those numbers when applying for a loan.
  • (viii) All applicants are reminded to observe the deadline for online application.


For students hoping to apply for educational loans at the Diploma level, the loan application window for the academic year 2023/2024 will be open from October 7, 2023 to October 19, 2023.


The Laws and Regulations of the Credit Board specify the qualifications and general criteria for students who need a loan after being admitted to an accredited college. The applicant must have the following qualifications:-

Basic Criteria of a Loan Applicant

  • (i) Must be a Tanzanian not exceeding 27 years of age at the time of applying for a loan;
  • (ii) He must be admitted in an educational institution that provides middle level education in the country;
  • (iii) He has completed and submitted the loan application through the system loan applications (OLAMS);
  • (iv) He should not have a job or work contract in the government or private sector that provides him salary or income;
  • (v) Must have completed fourth form education (CSEE), Certificate (diploma) or sixth form (ACSEE) or within five years; ie between in 2019 to 2023.

Social and Economic Status

  • (i) Orphanage; who has lost a parent or parents
  • (ii) A low-income family or household financed by the Development Fund Community (TASAF) or other national institutions that provide financing to households low-income;
  • (iii) Disability of the applicant or his parents.


Upangaji wa Mkopo Credit planning will focus on the following priorities:-

  • (i) A student with admission to National priority programs such as defined in Section 6 of this Guide shall be considered;
  • (ii) Academic success that enabled him to be admitted for middle level education; and
  • (iii) Social status as defined in section 3.2 of this guide.\


Nyaraka za Maombi ya Mkopo; The following are the important documents to attach to the loan application:-

  • (i) Birth certificate from the relevant authority, ZCSRA for applicants from Zanzibar or verification number (verification number) from RITA to applicants from Mainland Tanzania;
  • (ii) Death certificates of parents proving orphanhood from the relevant authority, ZCSRA for applicants from Zanzibar or verification number from RITA for applicants from Mainland Tanzania;
  • (iii) A form to verify the disability of the applicant approved by District Medical Officer (DMO) or Regional Medical Officer (RMO);
  • (iv) Form to verify the Disability of the applicant’s parent approved by District Medical Officer (DMO) or Regional Medical Officer (RMO);
  • (v) The Beneficiary’s household number from the Community Development Fund (CLEAN).


Priority Areas

The loan will be provided in six main areas reflecting the national priorities as specified in Government announcement No. 715 dated the 29th September 2023. The locations are as follows:-

  • (i) Health and Allied Sciences (‘Health & Allied Sciences’);
  • (ii) Teaching Education (‘Education and Teaching’);
  • (iii) Transport and Logistics (‘Transport & Logistics’);
  • (iv) Energy Engineering (‘Energy Engineering’);
  • (v) Mining and Earth Science (‘Mining & Earth Science’) and
  • (vi) Agriculture and livestock (‘Agriculture & livestock’)

Priority programs

In the academic year 2023/2024, loans will be given to students those admitted to the Program/Diploma that fall/are in the areas approved priority six – refer to item 6.


Health and Allied Sciences (Health & Allied Sciences)

Programs in this group are as follows:-

  • (i) ‘Clinical Dentistry’;
  • (ii) ‘Diagnostic Radiotherapy’;
  • (iii) ‘Occupational Therapy’;
  • (iv) ‘Physiotherapy’;
  • (v) ‘Clinical optometry’;
  • (vi) ‘Dental Laboratory technology’;
  • (vii) ‘Orthotics & Prosthetics’;
  • (viii) ‘Health record & information’; and
  • (ix) ‘Electrical and Biomedical Engineering’.

Education and Teaching

Programs in this category are as follows:-

  • (i) Basic Teaching Diplomas: Science Teaching Diploma
  • in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics; and
  • (ii) Diplomas in Education and Vocational Training (TE&VET).

Loan Repayment

Loan Repayment: Upon completion or termination from higher education studies, a loan beneficiary shall be required to repay his/her loan fully or through monthly deductions of not less than 15% of basic salary/income or a sum not less than TZS 100,000.00 a month for beneficiaries in the informal sector. All loans shall be subject to a 1% administration fee on principal amount charged once.

Loan beneficiaries are strongly advised not to transfer from one HEI to another or from one programme to another unless it is inevitable.

Loan transfer will be effected upon receiving confirmation from relevant authorities. HESLB shall not raise a duplicate loan payment to students who voluntarily move to other HEIs. Unless there is a strong supporting clarification for a late submission of transfer confirmation, no loan transfer will be made after 120 days from the date of release of the first batch of admission.

Transfers will not trigger any change on the initial loan amounts allocated to individual beneficiaries unless the student was transferred by authorities.

Publication of the Diploma list of Successful Loan Applicants

 A list of successful loan applicants with their corresponding allocations shall be published through the Student’s Individual   Permanent Account (SIPA) used during application or on HESLB   website: after Batch Approval.


” HESLB Diploma Loan Application ‘ Student Portal’ How to Apply & Allocation”HESLB Diploma Loan Application ‘ Student Portal’ How to Apply & Allocation ” After Application for student who allocated can found at Website.

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