
Majina ya Waliopata Mkopo 2023-24 Diploma HESLB Pdf Batch Check Out Now

Majina ya Waliopata Mkopo 2023-24 Diploma HESLB Pdf Batch Check Out Now

Are you looking for Majina ya Waliopata Mkopo 2023-24 Diploma HESLB Pdf Batch Check Out Now orodha ya waliopangiwa mikopo stashahada HESLB Loan Beneficiaries 2023/2024 status Heslb Loan Allocation Status in 2023/2024. majina ya waliopata Heslb, what is your BS? Books and stationery are also available Allocated on Sipa Portal Login. Welcome to our website, In This Article,!

Learn about Diploma Waliopata Mkopo Heslb Awamu ya kwanza, pili,tatu, Second batch, Third, Fourth If you are one of the students who filed for a HESLB loan for the 2023/24 academic year. Have you been accepted to study at a public or private university?

How to Check HESLB Diploma Loan Allocation Status 2023-2024 Online.

How to Check HESLB Diploma Loan Allocation Status
How to Check HESLB Diploma Loan Allocation Status

Diploma waliopata mkopo HESLB 2023 → OLAMS → Online Loan Application & Management →→ is the official HESLB application portal→→

What should you do if you are unable to locate a loan in the Diploma First Batch?


Don’t worry, HESLB second batch appeal/Loan allocation Batch 2

When will HESLB make Majina ya Waliopata Mkopo Diploma 2023 HESLB Pdf Loan Beneficiary available? The names of loan beneficiaries for the first batch will be announced following the outcomes of all TCU batches’ first, second, and third selections in 2023-24. 

About: HESLB is a government agency under the Tanzania’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology established by Act of Parliament in 2004. For all latest News like Loan Application, Majina Waliopata Mkopo, Loan Allocation status, Loan Beneficiaries All Batch from (HESLB) Higher Education and Diploma..

At the same time, HESLB would like to inform diploma level students who applied for education loans that the analysis of their applications is being completed and the list of loan recipients for the year 2023/2024 announced Today 30 November 2023


The Higher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB) would like to inform the public that the arrangement of Diploma loans for the first time for the academic year 2023/2024 has been completed and has sent the list of students admitted to 36 colleges to complete the procedures of payment.

HESLB will start sending money to students assigned loans in the respective colleges in the next few days and students who applied for loans at the diploma level are advised to get detailed information through the accounts they used to apply for loans known as SIPA (Student’s Individual Permanent Account).


The payment process for Diploma students assigned loans continues and HESLB Officers have started going to the respective colleges to collaborate with the management of those colleges to receive important information of students including Bank and college registration numbers.


Diploma level loans have been granted for the first time this academic year 2023/2024 to students admitted in the following six priority fields:

  • Health & Allied Sciences
  • Education and Teaching
  • Transport & Logistics
  • Energy Engineering
  • Mining & Earth Science’ &
  • Agriculture & livestock


HESLB advises students who are qualified and who did not apply for loans within the period that was previously given (October 7, 2023 to October 30, 2023), to come to the administration of the colleges they were admitted to or call 0736 665 533 or send an email to info@heslb. or send a message to WhatsApp 0739 665 533 to get clarification.

Issued by:


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

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