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Kadi Ya Simba Crdb Bank Account How to Create Steps Check Out

Kadi Ya Simba Crdb Bank Account How to Create Steps Check Out

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Are you a fan of profit? Are you an animal fan? It’s the right time to be a profitable fan by donating to your team through CRDB bank.

Crdb Bank

Kadi ya simba Crdb

CRDB Bank in collaboration with Simba Sports Club have entered into an agreement to provide you with a special card that will identify you as a fan as well as enable you to do all banking transactions.

Do you have a CRDB account? If you are a Simba fan and have a CRDB account then you will not be required to open another account. All you have to do is apply for a Simba card directly through SimBanking or any CRDB bank branch.


Don’t have a CRDB account? If you are a Simba fan and do not have a CRDB bank account, then you will be required to open a special Simba account that will enable you to save, make various payments including fan service and other banking services.

Initial deposit

A Simba account is opened for a starting price of Tsh 2,000/= along with other card costs as specified below depending on the type of card you will apply for.

CRDB Simba Account

Sifa kadi ya simba crdb

sifa za Kadi Ya Simba A Simba fan can apply for one of the following cards as soon as he opens a Simba account through CRDB bank or if he already has a CRDB account.

  • Children’s Card “Simba Cub Card”
  • Classic Card for Women and Men “Simba Classic Card”
  • VIP Card “Simba Platinum Card”


Simba Cubs Card

  • Its fee is Tsh 12,000
  • It introduces you as a child Simba fan
  • You can transact through POS, ATM, CRDB Agency etc
  • You can withdraw up to Tsh 2,000,000 per day at the ATM but you will also be able to pay up to Tsh 10,000,000 at the POS and online

Simba Classic Card

  • Its fee is Tsh 12,000
  • It gives you life insurance of up to Tsh 2,000,000 in case of permanent disability, death or bereavement of a spouse.
  • It identifies you as a legitimate Lions fan
  • You can transact through POS, ATM, CRDB Agency etc
  • You can withdraw up to Tsh 2,000,000 per day at the ATM but you will also be able to pay up to Tsh 10,000,000 at the POS and online

Simba Platinum Card

  • Its fee is Tsh 38,400/=
  • It gives you life insurance of up to Tsh 10,000,000 in case of permanent disability, death or loss of a spouse.
  • You get priority at Simba club events
  • You get special services at CRDB branches (Premier Lounges)
  • It identifies you as a legitimate Lions fan
  • You can transact through POS, ATM, CRDB Agency etc
  • You can withdraw up to Tsh 15,000,000 per day at the ATM but you will also be able to pay up to Tsh 30,000,000 at the POS and online.

Access to Cards

If you are a Simba fan with a CRDB account;

  • Visit a CRDB branch with a government-recognized ID.
  • You will fill out a form to request the card you need.

If you are a Simba fan who does not have a CRDB account;

  • Arrive at Tawini with one of the IDs (NIDA, Mpira Kura, Udereva, Zanzibar, or Passport.
  • You will open a Simba account and fill out a form to request a Simba card.

The information I have given you above is about how to open and get a Simba card through CRDB Bank Plc Tanzania where I have set the criteria, characteristics, types of cards, as well as benefits.

About: CRDB Bank Plc is a commercial bank in Tanzania. It is licensed by the Bank of Tanzania, the central bank and national banking regulator. As of September 2022, CRDB Bank was the largest commercial bank in Tanzania.

Simba Sports Club is a soccer team headquartered in Msimbazi street, Kariakoo, in the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania that participates in the Tanzania Mainland Premier League where it was founded in 1936, first called Eagles and later again called Dar Sunderland.

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